
Reunion Details

Weekend Activities

Local Info-
Lodging and Maps

'Then & Now' Photos

Committee Contact Info.

Haworth Memorabilia

Teachers, Administration and Staff

Husky News & Current Events



















































































(Click on any Photo to see a large, detailed version)


Spring 1978


Homecoming 1977


Homecoming 1977


Homecoming 1977



Class Officers


The Year 1978 In Review-Click on pictures to see bigger view.


Haworth 20-Year ReunionHaworth 20 year Reunion

See any faces you recognize? From the 20-year Reunion.  For a larger view, click one time on the photos.

Prom Queen candidates, spring 1978

Jay and Cynthia, Merit Scholars

Jerome Floyd knows how to play the game!

Christy Barry, Homecoming Queen 1977